
Course work during the PhD program

To complete a PhD the student must acquire 12 credit points in total. The awarding of credit points complies with UZH/ETH regulations. In summary, the 12 requested credit points have to be acquired according to the following scheme:

Total number of credit for coursework completion: 12 credits

Responsible for the supervision and approval of the complementary course work is your PhD committee. Courses can be chosen after consulting the PhD Committee. This is usually done at the thesis committee meetings.

MIM Intro Course 2014

MIM transferable skill courses


General principles of scientific writing / Instructor: Prof. Shinichi Sunagawa / Sept. 14 & 15, 2021 (booked out)

Basic Scientific Presentation Skills / Instructors: Prof. Emmanuella Guenova, Prof. Nicole Borel, Dr. Cory Leonard / date tba

Credit points can also be acquired by visiting courses in transferable skills offered by leading experts from both universities.

Research related courses are offered by the members of the MIM PhD program. The courses can be taken throughout the PhD program.

PhD students may also choose other graduate courses from the course catalogue of UZH / ETH, as long as they complement the education in a meaningful way.

Every student visits once a national / international meeting relevant to his/her field. Submission of an abstract is compulsory and leads to an acquisition of one credit point.

The attendance of at least one students’ retreat is mandatory and credited with one credit point.

An introductory course of 3 days will be held once a year. The goal is to introduce the new students to the various model organisms, methods, and fields of expertise of the research groups of the program, and to foster contacts between the peers. For this compulsory task the student will acquire 1 credit point.

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